Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Old School Baby

Will is in that great stage where he mimics all kinds of things he sees Steven and me do.  I love seeing him try to act like Mom and Dad.  We have an old school Nintendo hooked up in our guest bedroom.  Yes, we still play it every now and then.  (Steven and I stayed up until like 3am playing on our first date by the way)  
Anyway, I walked in the bedroom to see what he was up to- b/c he was way too quiet- and found him blowing into the games and pushing buttons on the remote.  

Now I don't plan on letting my kid play video games all day, but every now and then will be ok.  Especially if we can instill a love in him for the "classics".

And yes, my hubby still tries to punch out Tyson about once a week.


the peterson family said...

I love Nintendo! Way to go Will!

Jules said...

Oh dear, destined to be a gamer just like you! I'm sure he could already beat me. :)