Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Incredible Zoo Trip

Yesterday Will and I met my Mom at the zoo.  The zoo pass was a birthday gift for Will from her and my Dad and they haven't been able to go with us yet.  So I was really excited to get to share this with her.  

I don't know if it was the time of day we went or the weather or what, but it was great b/c all of the animals were perfect!  Sometimes when we go a lot of them are just laying around, sleeping, hiding, just not really interested in getting in a good spot for my one year old to see.  But yesterday most of them were very active and close to the glass where we could get a really good look at them.

Of course, I think Will noticed.  He's never ever been scared of the animals before, but today (maybe b/c he's getting older?) he was acting scared.  It was hilarious though b/c he noticed a gigantic python behind the glass and then started backing away, shaking his head no.  I got it on video, but who knows if I'll be able to upload it...  ok, I think it uploaded, hopefully it works
 Here's Will kissing a tortoise 
 Riding the tortoise
 The gharial letting us have a close look
 "Mama says alligators are hornery b/c they have all those teeth and no toothbrush.." anyone?
 Will screamed and ran from the turtle when it turned towards him!

 Baby Layla!  There is almost nothing cuter in the world than a baby monkey!  They hung out by the glass all day so we could admire the little one.  A lady there told me that last week the mom was holding the baby on her feet last week- playing airplane with it while the baby laughed!  Are you kidding?  I would love to have seen that.  I could have sat there all day next to that glass.

 Even the elusive gorilla let us have a close look.
 Will didn't like this either.  He was adamantly shaking his head "no" with a very serious look on his face.  Of course it made Mom and I laugh.
 A chimp playing hide and seek.  I'm tellin ya... the animals were very entertaining.
 A rockhopper penguin saying "hello". 
 And this guy!  He was freaking me out.  He kept running into the candy store.  The guy that works there said he comes in all the time and steals candy.  

 Will saw this glowing sign and thought it was a tv.  He sat down in front of it twice... probably waiting for Yo Gabba Gabba.  He cracks me up!
 A mountain lion.. I do not want to ever see one of those outside of the zoo.
 Mr. Squirrel making a run for some more candy.  It did make me nervous b/c Will was walking around in there too.  
At the end of the day, both of these nuts were exhausted.  They took a rest on the bench while I went to get the car.  It really was such a fun day.  Will was easy and happy and seemed to have a lot of fun, besides the fact of being scared sometimes.  

Of course he fell asleep immediately when we got in the car.  Usually I can get him in his bed and he'll sleep for 2-3 hours after the zoo.  After getting him down, I went to start getting dinner ready when I heard him saying, "Mama, Mama".  I was so confused b/c he was OUT not thirty seconds earlier.  So I went in and he was standing there.  When I asked what was wrong, he said, "I pooped".  And he did.  He has started telling me about poop.  I guess we need to buy a potty.  And that was it for the nap.  Thanks poop.

I'm so thankful for a wonderful day, wonderful son, wonderful mom... I am so blessed and grateful.  

1 comment:

Brighter Sunshine said...

thx for your comment! its so good to see other bloggers out there too... though i dont keep up with mine like i should. :)

sooo... little will is such a cute little man! ahhh, and i think i would run away from that giant snake too! no snakes are good snakes... ssssss!