Saturday, October 1, 2011

Quick Pics

I haven't been great about blogging lately.  I'm really behind on posting pics and updates on my two tots.  I'll just share a few from the last couple weeks and then consider myself caught up.
Will decided he needed to really watch the baby for me.  (This may have also been the day that he decided he needed to poke her in the eye.  Curious I guess.  Needless to say he learned the consequences on that one)

He really is as sweet as he looks here. 

First Sunday to church!

Watching (or listening) to big brother play in his room.

We took a Labor Day trip to Granbury beach.  Daddy and Will spent lots of time in the water and Mommy and Olivia spend lots of time in the hotel room.

I spent 3 days cleaning out and organizing my closet.  To me it's worth posting about!

Reading to little sister in her crib.  So sweet.

Popcorn kernels.  Fun.  He also accidently called 911 this day 
(old phones can still do that even though they no longer have service!!!).  

A visit from Mimi and Pa!!  

Weird lunch, but he had a lot fun making it.

And one last romp in the sprinkler before Fall.  Those diapers can hold like a gallon of water!

Ok, I feel better and not so behind.  Maybe later today I'll find time to update some more.  But then again by the look of my house at only 7:30 am I think I'm going to be quite busy today.

Happy Saturday!


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