Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Official 12 Month Post- Updated

Our 12 month check up appt was today! We are on the charts now. His height is 31" (85%) and weight is 27 lbs 6 oz (95%). He got three vaccines and I am going to delay the MMR. DRAMA. That's for another post though.

I forgot to add about signing yesterday. I knew I'd forget something. Anyway, he has three signs- all done, more, and please. I think we'll work on again on the sign for eat and drink. Then we'll start working on "thank you". Manners are super important to me and I hope he catches on.

Will is eating just about everything we are. It's mostly table food, but I'm still giving him purees occasionally if I'm out of other things and I need something for him. He is still a great eater and will try anything I give him. We are working on using a spoon and fork, but he's not quite getting it yet. He likes to try though. We had to discipline him last night at dinner. He kept throwing handfuls of rice and chicken on the floor and in the air. I told him no twice and then tapped his hand with my "I'm an angry mommy" face. He cried and then did it again. What a stinker. I'm worried my child is going to be as rebellious and stubborn as I am.

After he got sick the last time, I wasn't sure if any it was due to moving him to whole milk. So I decided to take him off and put him on a toddler formula- Enfagrow. He has 8 oz three times a day and I'm going to ask the doctor tomorrow about this. I want him on milk- good grief formula is too expensive! I don't know if we'll have to try something other than cow's milk though.

He is walking better every day. Still wobbly sometimes and he falls a lot. That makes him really mad! I'm trying to ignore the little falls in hopes that he'll get over it quicker and not be so whiny. He doesn't want us holding his hand either.

Two naps (sometimes three if he seems really tired). Morning nap at 9 lasts about an hour and twenty minutes and a 3:00 nap that lasts around 1-2 hours. (EXCEPT not today unfortunately!!)

No new words. Still no mama! He says dada, hi, cookie, cracker, car, ball... I think that's it. Everything is a cracker though and he can spot a ball anywhere. I talk to him, read to him, label things and explain everything I'm doing, but he's not really catching on yet. I figured he'd be a late talker, and he has until now, so I'm trying to be patient with the little booger.

His favorites
OUTSIDE! He wants to go and be outside all the time. He gets so bored indoors and cries when it's time to come in. I try not to keep him out too long though b/c I don't want him sunburned and overheated. I keep sunblock on him, but he won't wear a hat so I worry about his fair little head. He also loves to play with balls. He loves watching Sesame Street's Favorite Songs 2 & could watch it 4 times in a row if I let him (which I did when he was sick). He loves crackers and cookies so much. He loves playing "boom"- a game we made where we let him fall back on the bed while saying, "BOOM!". Dancing! He's a little dancer like his Mom and Dad. He also loves seeing birds outside, flowers, and planes in the air. He smiles every time.

His dislikes
Oh boy, this kid HATES having his diaper changed. He cries every time. He doesn't like being put to bed still. He really doesn't like the doctor at all. Not at all. Playing alone- this is a problem we have to work on. The church nursery- flips out everytime. It makes Sundays so hard and almost pointless for me to go b/c I only get to focus on him most of the time. It's a problem.

Our bad habits
We still use a paci. I originally thought I'd get rid of this a lot sooner, but it really helps calm him down sometimes and we really only use it at sleeping times.
We let him sleep with us after his 5 am waking. It usually buys us another hour or two of sleep.
Last, he sticks his hand down my shirt looking for... well you get the idea. It's a comfort thing. I try to not let him, especially when we're in public, but when he's upset or tired I just let him b/c it helps him calm down or go to sleep. It's bad, I contribute to it, I'm working on it.

He's supposed to get a ton of vaccines at his one year appt, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do about them yet. I plan on talking to the doctor, but I know he's for them all. The MMR really freaks me out. I think I'm going to delay it, but my mind isn't completely made up yet.

Generally he's a happy boy, but the past few days he's been so cranky. I don't know if it's a combination of being sick (a stomach bug that I think is finally done), teething, milestones, frustration, or boredom. I'm one tired and frustrated mommy though. I miss my sweet boy. Hopefully this crankiness will pass soon!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Breastfeeding Journey Ends

It's been three weeks since I have nursed my son. He never tries anymore and I really think he's forgotten all about it. Hallelujah. I was ready to be done. The teeth for one reason. Plus, I really wasn't producing anymore. I think my body was ready to be done. There was a time though when I thought I wouldn't be able to nurse him, a few months ago (my supply was lessening), and I was so upset about it. It really has been quite a rollercoaster of a journey for me.

It shouldn't be hard. It's what our bodies were made for- creating and sustaining tiny little bodies. But it was hard. At first anyway. It's one of the things I'm most proud of in my life actually. It was hard and I stuck with it. So not like me. (Ask my husband or my parents, they'll tell you I'm a quitter)

The first time I nursed Will I really had no idea what to do and he didn't either. He was not a good latcher and I was clumsy. We were in the hospital for 4 days and I used the lactation consultants many times. Because he was having blood sugar issues, feeding was very important. I nursed on each side, or at least tried to- he was so sleepy and hard to keep awake. Then we topped him off with milk I had pumped in a bottle.

Once we left the hospital, I had some serious postpartum anxiety. I was terrified and so stressed out about feeding him. Steven was there for every single feeding that whole first week. I called the lactation consultant hotline constantly, as well as every breastfeeding mom friend I have, and was online researching as well. I had been warned so many times that breastfeeding would be painful. I was expecting that. I was not expecting to be so worried about not being able to see whether or not my baby was actually eating. At least with a bottle you can they are eating and see how much they ate. With breastfeeding you have no idea. I was so crazy with worry that he wasn't eating enough and his blood sugar would drop and he'd get sick and something horrible would happen to him. I cried and shook and barely ate and cried some more. It was a really hard time for me. And my husband- he deserves a medal.

Until I took him to his two week appointment and he was up to like 10 pounds. Somehow he gained a ton of weight even though he only nursed for a few minutes at a time. The anxiety began to lessen and I was less afraid each day.

It was painful. VERY painful. Grip the edge of the chair and hold back tears while the little barracuda chomped away painful. But the pain faded too and we learned how to do things.

It was great for weight loss. I got down to like 17 pounds lighter than I'd been before getting pregnant. (After deliver I lost a total of almost 55 pounds!) That can also be attributed to having to give up all dairy for a few months b/c Will seemed to be sensitive to it. That was hard too.

It went great, then not great, then I had more than enough milk and then barely any to back to normal... up and down. But I stuck with it for 11 months. I'm patting myself on the back. It was the first chance I had to put my son first and myself second.

I tell all new moms that I talk to this. It is hard. It's a lot of work, a big commitment, and a big sacrifice sometimes. But it's best for your baby and if I can do it- really anyone can. I'm a weenie and a quitter. I had a good support system.

Last benefit- it's free. That's enough to make me do it all over again. Not any time soon though.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Video - Go ahead and judge me

I know this is disgusting. Just so you know, I already had the camera around my neck and just happened to be there when the "licking" began. It was just too funny! Will has really started trying to play with Dex more lately. Giving him lots of hugs and kisses and stealing his pig from him. (The dirty pig that Dex nurses on)

Monday, April 19, 2010

One Year Old & First Birthday Party!

Today my love bug is one year old! I have a one year old! That is so strange to say. He's taking a nap right now, so I'll post as much as I can before he wakes up. His party was on Saturday. Of course the night before he started not feeling well. The drool was literally pouring out and his nose was stuffy- so I think it was a combo of teething and a cold. I was worried he'd wake up sick and not be able to party, but he was great and in a super mood. Everything went off without a hitch and I had so much fun. I'm pretty sure he did too. I've been working on this thing for awhile now. It was Cookie Monster Theme. He doesn't especially like Cookie Monster or anything, I just thought it would be so cute. And it was. So cute! The only sad thing is that I didn't really get many good pictures. I was so busy with the party that I wasn't really thinking about pictures.

Here is what I got though:
We tried to take a 12 month pic, but this is all I got. We'll try again later. (Uncle Jason, this is the really cool Batman t-shirt you sent us)
Dining room table ready for little partiers.
Cookie Monster cupcakes- I planned on making these myself, but it was one of the things I just had to let go of and purchase pre-made. I don't have anything against pre-made things, I just take a lot of pride on making things myself. The white ones are just MONSTER cupcakes from Costco. Seriously- they were huge! Like 3 cupcakes in one.
Cookie Monster cups. I was so excited to find these little straw cups b/c the little ones can't do real cups yet. I added the eyes and mouth of course.
His cake topper. It's not the greatest, but it was my first time to work with gum paste. It was about 4 inches tall. The first thing Will did when we gave him the cake was pop Cookie Monster's eye off.
Cake and tower of cookies. Mmmm.. there was also a fruit tray here. I must have taken the picture before it was put out.
Will's cake. Definitely has that homemade look. I'm no Bakerella.
Cookie Monster cake pops were favors. I didn't put as much work into them as Bakerella does, but I was happy with them. The little tag read, "Will's party was brought to you by the letter W and the number 1".
Party favor frames. I'm going to mail them a picture we took of the little kids together.
My Grandma. Will's Nana. We love -love- love her.
I bought this great onesie at Target and added the one and name to the back.
"I'm the Birthday Boy!"
"Happy Birthday Will" sign I made for the door.
Here is a shot of him tasting the cake. I put an old shirt on him so the blue frosting wouldn't ruin his birthday shirt. THAT was a good decision.
He really didn't eat that much. I think it was too much for him, although he did enjoy the few bites he had. He was very serious about it. Cake is serious.
Opening presents. Will got so many great things for his birthday. I am planning on doing a post on his gifts. Thank you to everyone!
Grandma and Pop Pop got him this little bike. He really loves it. We've had to ride it around the house though b/c it's been raining here since Friday night. yuck!
Will and both sets of grandparents. He is one lucky little boy!
Will walking around the house with his Pa.
Presents from Steven and I. I'll post about this later.

There are so many exciting things to share, but my blogging time is up. Hopefully I can hop back on tonight and finish up.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


It's National Grilled Cheese Month! We are 13 days into this month and I have not celebrated appropriately. We will rectify this today.

Monday, April 5, 2010

EASTER! Too many pictures

We have been some picture taking fools the past couple of days. There are just way too many great ones, it was really hard for me to choose which ones to post. If blogger were quicker at loading photos, there would probably be more. Plus, these are just the ones from one of our cameras. I have more to load later from our other one. (Those ones have him opening his basket from his Mimi).

Anyway, Will's first Easter was wonderful. The week before- not so wonderful. In my last post I mentioned that he had a fever and I just thought it was teething. Well- it was not teething. His fever got really high and we ended up taking him in. Two doctor visits, two rounds of blood work, two urine tests, and two 104.3 fevers later - we have recovered from what they suspected to be some sort of bacterial infection- probably upper respiratory. He was just so miserable and I was too. The nurses and doctor were worried about him, which of course made me a nervous wreck. Thank you Lord that he is feeling better. Nothing worse than a sick baby!
Riding in our little police car. It's so much fun! Hopefully he'll drive like his Mommy. ;)
Uncle Jason skyped in for a quick visit.
Goofy rascal. Chubby too.
Look quick! Standing all alone and not looking for someone to grab.
Steven's eyes are closed and Will's not looking, plus my Dad had to take the picture b/c we couldn't figure out the automatic timer. Oh well, at least the girls look great!
Exploring Grandma's flowers. (or destroying them)

My sweet lovebug
This is the Easter bucket I made for him.
These ears must be really funny!
LOOK HOW CUTE! Such a little man. I know he's mine, but I can't help thinking he's the cutest little thing ever!
His Easter lunch. Ham, sweet potatoes, corn, peas, and green beans- it looks like a lot, but I promise, most of it always ends up in his lap.
This is from our church egg hunt. This would have been an awesome picture if that lady's butt wasn't in the way! Anyone with Photoshop want to take her out?
Putting the eggs in his bucket.

Will's loot. We did let him eat one chocolate egg. Yes, he cried when I said "all done".
Will and Cooper

I wish I could post every single picture I took, at least for the grandparents. I can't believe we are going to have a one year old in about two weeks. Crazy!

Here's an exciting update: Will now says four words. Not consistently, but occasionally.
Ball (Ba)- he says it ALL the time. We have a Sesame Street video where a giant meatball is rolling around and he says, "Ball, ball" everytime he sees it. So great.
Car (Cah)- when he gets his matchbox cars
Bye Bye (Ba ba)- we know it's bye b/c he says it while waving at the door
Cracker (Cah Cuh)- says it when he's eating one, not to ask for one. We're working on that.

I should have another post soon with a couple more Easter pics. He's napping now so I should get off this thing and get some work done. After I return a couple emails, read that article on the yahoo page about Kate Gosselin on DWTS,...