Friday, August 1, 2008

Cheetos from Heaven?

The Yahoo homepage had another one of those crazy stories the other day. A woman in Kansas was snacking on a bag of Cheetos when she found Jesus... literally- in her bag of Cheetos! There was another account of this a couple of years ago. The Kansas woman calls hers "Cheesus" and the other dude just named his the "Jesus Cheeto". Here are the pictures:


The Jesus Cheeto

Seeing this reminded me that Steven and I have a Jesus Cheeto story. Yes, we really do!

In the days following my miscarriage I had to have lots of bloodwork done. They needed to check my hcg levels to help find out what happened and find out what was currently happening. It was a very scary time for us on top of everything we were feeling. Not to mention I absolutely HATE needles! That's one of two things I just can't be a grown up about. (the other is bees and wasps) Anyway, I had started the morning off crying and truly dreading the trip the hospital. It was a point in my life when I didn't know if I'd smile again and didn't want to. Anyway- we were walking into the hospital, between the automatic doors, when Steven looked down at the big mat on the floor. He had presently been researching mats for the church, so he said, "Man, you know what one of those costs? Like a hundred bags of Cheetos." Very random, out of nowhere, but that's my husband and it's not unusual to me, so I reply matter-of-factly, "No, probably more like 50 bags of Cheetos." And with that, we went on to get the bloodwork done. A quick 5 minutes later we were done and getting back into the elevator. I was just then becoming overwhelmed with the reality of what brought us there- and about to really lose it (again)- when I looked down at the floor. Right before the elevator door closed, I saw it. "Oh my gosh, Steven! When that door opens back up, you have to look in the bottom left corner. You won' believe what's there!" He had a confused look on his face, but kept his gaze steady on the floor. We arrived on the bottom floor, the door chimed, and then slowly rolled back. And there- on the floor was one little, orange Cheeto. We both burst into laughter, not able to believe that the subject of our random, pointless conversation was right there the whole time! There were tears, but for the first time in days the tears were from laughter.

The rest of that day was somber and bleak, but there were multiple times when we would sporadically erupt into laughter or just quietly giggle at the thought of that stupid cheeto. It was a sweet feeling. Smiling. A break from the tears. Some hope that things would return to normal and our little world wouldn't feel so sad.

So, does God send Cheetos? All I know is that for me, on a day when I needed a glimpse of hope, one serendipitous orange snack provided that for me . So in that moment, Yes -I was in fact thanking God for sending us that little Cheeto.

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